首发 | 70㎡高级灰小公寓,低调奢华!|客厅|落地窗|小户型|looks|space|design

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:13    点击次数:207
首发 | 70㎡高级灰小公寓,低调奢华!文章来源原创DesignJapan日本室内设计网日本室内设计网70㎡公寓 | ArtPartner高级灰的色调,总是能展现独特的美感和人体工程学视觉,它总是能跟空间理想地相互结合,成功满足客户的品味。大家好,我是专注发现全球前沿设计的Jim。本公寓的面积为70㎡,是一个现代感的高级公寓设计,整体采用高级灰的色调来搭配,让空间显得更加有质感和高雅。空间的设计定位是酷帅的暗黑风,电视背景墙加上金属的元素来营造这种风格,看上去更有酷帅感。The design positioning of the space is cool and dark, and the TV background wall adds metal elements to create this style, which looks more cool and handsome.通过用落地窗来增加客厅的采光,同时落地窗也让狭小的空间看上去更大气,家居陈设的松弛有度,让原本狭小的空间看上去不是那么拥挤。By using floor-to-ceiling windows to increase the lighting in the living room, the floor-to-ceiling windows also make the small space look more atmospheric, and the relaxation of the home furnishings makes the original small space look less crowded.通过用柔软的床具用品来衬托空间的舒适,卧室也主要采用高级灰的设计风格,空间看上去简洁明了,整个空间看上去都整齐有序。By using soft bedding products to set off the comfort of the space, the bedroom also mainly adopts the design style of high-grade gray, the space looks simple and clear, and the whole space looks neat and orderly.卫生间采用干湿分离的设计,让使用更加舒适,利用石纹与灯光的搭配来展现空间的质感。The toilet adopts the design of separation of dry and wet, which makes it more comfortable to use, and uses the combination of stone grain and light to show the texture of the space.About.ArtPartner本设计出自乌克兰室内工作室ArtPartner,工作室的创始人为Ruslan Kovalchuk,到现在工作室已经创立了8年,有着比较多的设计经验,工作室比较擅长与时俱进的设计理念,通过用丰富的元素来打造空间的潮流。This design comes from the Ukrainian interior studio ArtPartner. The founder of the studio is Ruslan Kovalchuk. The studio has been established for 8 years and has a lot of design experience. The studio is better at keeping up with the times. Elements to create the trend of the space.其他佳作SauvignonDimeevskaya
